dinsdag 17 mei 2011

My Life as Lisa: Extra Work

If you pass my door you might hear uncontrolled, hysterical laughter. Excuse me if I am loosing my mind, but I have to do extra work. Yes, my dear readers, you have read correctly: Extra work.
Until now Roosevelt Academy was quite alright, survivable, only for one reason…because we knew at least that the teachers understood us. That they worked themselves to near-death-experiences just as much as we do. I do not want to say they stopped working, because they most certainly have not, but at the moment I have to do such a lot that I am loosing my faith in “seeing a light at the end of the tunnel”. Actually my agenda says for the 20th, the last day of the semester: YAY YOU HAVE SURVIVED!....well, have you?
The thing is, I am taking a few courses at the moment, for which all the end-of-term-evaluations should have the result “it is a good course, but one assignment/essay/presentation/exam less at the end of the semester would do”.
A teacher even assured my course that one of the various tasks will be scrapped because it is actually not doable…next semester.
So I do still have to survive these admittedly almost impossible courses….and do extra work! The last semesters I knew that if I worked myself crazy, it would be rewarded. This semester I have to do extra work to earn the grade I deserve.
Professors, give us a break! Only because we are young does not mean we can perform supernatural amounts of work. We might be young now, but if this goes on like it is now for the next year, we will age faster and all look like this soon:

I don’t know if anyone cares for my opinion, but I don’t think it is a particularly enjoyable sight. Please, just be so sensitive as to give us time to use Anti-Aging Cremes.

Lisa Theresa is a theatre&media studies student, minoring in Statistics merely for the sake of insanity. She is a second year at Roosevelt Academy and apart from work in other committees head of the Campus News Project  (www.ra-campusnews.webs.com).

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