woensdag 27 april 2011

Alyssia looking forward to what lies ahead

It’s been a while since I last posted a blog! Well, we’re heading towards the end of the semester (4 weeks left!) and now the real work starts. A math project, a poster for anatomy, analysis of cortisol, amylase and heart rate for my group’s research paper on cognitive dissonance & stress response, another paper.. And of course we have to do presentations on all of this, and then all 4 courses have finals as well…
Yeah, sometimes it feels overwhelming, but the fact that there is an awesome last year coming up makes everything worthwhile. Not only is the summer break insanely long (as always), I’ll be leaving for the US of A in August and – as far as I hear from others – I will have a great time there!  Although I will mostly be in Nebraska, I have planned a trip to NYC, visiting my intraweek mom who studies at NYU now. Can you imagine that? NYU! Such a dream!
I’ll be back in the Netherlands right before Christmas and then it’s only one semester to go! Finishing up my psychology track, my stats minor and my language requirement, leaving exactly one nice spot for an IRP. I cannot wait.
Last year, here I come!
My name is Alyssia and I am a nineteen-year-old second year student. I do an interdepartmental major in Psychology, Cognitive Science and Life Sciences.

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