dinsdag 17 mei 2011

My Life as Lisa: Follow me!

No, this is not an advert for twitter. Actually, this is not meant as an advert at all, it is purely an expression of the highest excitement possible. And I am a person that can get reaaaaally excited, so beware!
I am planning a movie. Of course, I have always been a huge fan of whatever CameRA does, but now finally inspiration struck me to complete my own masterpiece (hopefully). I will film our very own Doctor Who Episode! It seemed a bit of a silly idea at first, a whim of the moment, not a real plan. However, the idea haunted me so much (case of inception?) that I could not get rid off it anymore. And after I figured out how to solve some technical problems that would be inevitably linked with this project I thought: Why not? and could not be stopped by any human creature alive.
Anyhow, it was also clear to me that no matter how fantastic I find this idea, a movie is an enormous project. Such a project with RA students that never have time to even help out their closest friends for 10 minutes? How would that ever be possible? Furthermore, it is a Doctor Who Episode, we need a complete soundtrack re-recorded or composed not to violate any copyrights. Yeeeeah, sure, Lisa, dream on. Is what I thought.
I also thought asking never hurt anybody, so I did, expecting to get a. an awful lot of rejections b. no email at all.
Dear reader, you have to understand: As amazing as RA students are, they just do not reply to their emails. Don’t ask me why it is too hard to send a short one-sentence-notice about something very important, but apparently it is for 80% of our oh-so-busy-students (yes, I know we are busy, but so am I, don’t use this as an argument!). So, I wrote this enthusiastic email about how much I want to film this Dr. Who episode and who was willing to help with basically anything. Before I clicked on “send” I asked a friend: Do you think I will get any replies to this? He said: Don’t count on it, please don’t be so sad if not.
1 minute later my mailbox informed me with a little bleep that there was an email. And another one. And another one. And another one! I felt a bit like Harry Potter jumping around all these letters from Hogwarts. So many emails! Replies to me asking a huge favour from people, to give me a lot of their time, a lot of their energy…and they were all willing! Those who would not help out even replied as well, congratulating me to the idea and wishing me good luck with the project.
If you see someone singing and dancing through Eleanor, it will be me. I am so happy. All this support that I had never expected but secretly hoped for so much! All this enthusiasm, I am so, so, so glad!
Also, I hereby want to utter a warning:
Be careful. Aliens will invade Middelburg soon. You have three months time to evacuate, or prepare to meet a Timelord and his companion. Watch out for a blue telephone box.
Lisa Theresa is a theatre&media studies student, minoring in Statistics merely for the sake of insanity. She is a second year at Roosevelt Academy and apart from work in other committees head of the Campus News Project  (www.ra-campusnews.webs.com).

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey, I just got accepted to RA so I thought I'd drop by.
    Looks like we have a lot in common since I also have a particular interest in film and media. I really admire you taking the step of making your own film. Sounds like RA is a good place to start such a project. I've always been stunned by the amount of people that work on one production, so help is indeed required. I'm not familiar with CameRA, but I expect to be fully informed when I get there. Good luck with your film!

  2. Hey Chelsea,

    Thanks for your comment! RA really has some amazing film&media courses that are great fun, but the committee cameRA is awesome too! I don't want to publish my email address here, but why don't you send me an email via the website url below my blogs if you want to know more about it :D


  3. Hi Lisa,
    I would love to hear all about it! Though I'm not sure what you mean by the website url. My email address is on my own blog (just click on my name) under the page 'contact me'. Would love to hear from you.

