maandag 22 augustus 2011

Bart's Road to Election Night

Having the posters printed it was ready to put them up… everywhere. Yes everywhere, all the RA buildings, all the campus locations, everywhere. It's quite funny to see the walls slowly get covered with posters once more and more people decide to run for some board position.
After I was on most RA walls it was time to actually prepare for a first speech on the pre-election night. It was just a one minute speech, so not that big a deal, but actually quite harder than it seems. You want to have some content in your speech, but only have one minute for it, and preferably do it by heart. But I guess I did manage and after I had done my speech, and got rid of the nerves, I could just listen to all the other speeches. Some were even better prepared than others and it was a great evening.
Next up was the actual election night, for the speeches on that evening we even got half a minute extra than on the pre-election night. There were even more people listening to the speeches that night. My personal best on the amount of people doing a speech for set on the pre-election did not last long. The election night took place in a small church, and I thought there were only people on the floor level, but when I went on stage to do my speech I noticed that there was a balcony which was filled with students as well.  This was quite scary, but awesome at the same time. I did alright but despite the polite round of applause I received my luck stopped there. I was not elected, too bad, but it was a great experience. And who knows, maybe better luck next year.
Leaving all the election frenzy behind I had to actually continue with academic things. With just a few weeks left I still had to hand in assignments, papers and prepare for presentations and exams.
Bart, class of 2013, is a Science major. Besides his courses in Mathematics, Earth Science and Politics he enjoys running, swimming, cycling, playing guitar, hanging out with friends and an occasional party.

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