maandag 2 mei 2011

Kelly and London, Baby!

Ah, the Easter weekend. While most people were looking forward to sleeping in and taking a breath, there was one bunch of brave students who prepared themselves for three full days of working non-stop. Well, not really. With my entire Contemporary Dramatic Literature class I went to London, to see and analyze plays, but also to have a good time!

And a good time we had. Hyde Park, Starbucks, Foyle’s Bookstore, Portobello Road, Bizarro’s Italian Restaurant, Starbucks, Primark, HMV, Waterstone’s (we like bookstores), Starbucks, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden… and did I mention that we went to Starbucks often?

It was a fun and relaxing weekend, because we all tried to ignore the work that was ahead of us. Even when I came back to the Netherlands I didn’t want to think about my deadlines. Sadly they didn’t go anywhere and I couldn’t avoid them any longer. The stress is really starting to kick in again, but I shouldn’t complain: only three more weeks till summer!
Kelly Meulenberg (class of 2012) studies Arts & Humanities, focusing on Literary Studies and Theater & Media Studies. She is also a writer and filmmaker. Other passions include music, food and traveling.

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