maandag 21 maart 2011

Kelly and the Iced Cappuccino

When I woke up this morning, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. Start a new blog? Again? As if I don’t have enough on my mind already, with my courses and my committees and my job and my social life… I must be crazy! (cRAzy?) I guess I am…
            Although I don’t have classes on Tuesdays, I had a busy day ahead of me. I started with – surprise! - studying for my midterm exams. After lunch, I took off to film a scene with CameRA. I nearly broke my back on the way to the ‘set,’ one of my favorite coffee places in Middelburg, because I brought a bunch of books. This way, I could study some more between the shoot and a meeting with one of my instructors.
            I know it might sound horrible, but really, life here isn’t so bad. Spring is approaching! The sun is shining, it’s too warm to wear your winter coat and the weather simply puts everyone in a good mood. The staff at the espresso bar even got excited when I made my order: “An iced cappuccino? That’s the first one this year!”
It’s easy to let the midterm stress get to your head, but I think I’ve found my remedy. Sure, I’m stressing out a little because I still have to study A LOT for my exams, but you won’t find me locked up in my room or the library this week. As long as I take good care of myself, and allow myself some ‘luxury’ (coffee and chocolate, coffee and chocolate!!!) I know that I will be more than fine.
That being said, I can’t wait until the week is over.

Kelly Meulenberg (class of 2012) studies Arts & Humanities, focusing on Literary Studies and Theater & Media Studies. She is also a writer and filmmaker. Other passions include music, food and traveling.

1 opmerking:

  1. "Social life"? :)
    I don't see you enough buttercup. (And no, by this I don't say Kelly is a nerd, I say we all are, and it is partially my fault, and I miss you Kelly and you are awesome).

