donderdag 20 januari 2011

Bart is back at RA

Six weeks of Christmas break seems a long time for just a break, but to be honest, it is nice. The day after the Christmas gala I packed my back and went home to celebrate my birthday, Christmas, New Years Eve and to catch up with friends and family.
But six weeks are a bit too much for that, so after a few weeks at home I returned to Middelburg. Although it is nice to sleep in for four more weeks and catch up with all your favourite television series, I will take a job next Christmas break. The long breaks at RA are perfect to both do some work and go on holidays.
Anyways, after spending a few weeks not doing much it was time to get going again. Step one, buying books. Although there apparently were some troubles placing everyone in their preferred courses, I was lucky and just got in all the courses I wanted. So off I went buying books for Methods & Statistics I, Theory of Statistics and Data Analysis, Foundations of Comparative Politics and Earth System Science II. The last three are basically the same courses I took in my first semester, but now the 200 levels. Why bother changing track if you enjoyed what you were doing right?
With all housemates returning from their breaks it was just a matter of waiting for the classes to start on Monday.
Bart, class of 2013, is a Science major. Besides his courses in Mathematics, Earth Science and Politics he enjoys running, swimming, cycling, playing guitar, hanging out with friends and an occasional party.

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