maandag 11 april 2011

Kelly and the Sound of Studying

I have a confession to make: I’m allergic to silence. I need music. Although I study literature and film, music is the medium that can improve or change my mood the quickest. One of the first things I do when I get up is turning on the TV or radio so I can hear something, and Spotify is the last program I close before turning off my laptop every evening (yup, don’t believe the rumors about me being a complete Facebook-addict).

Although some people can’t even imagine studying while there’s music playing, I can’t study without. I have several playlists that cater to my specific needs. During an average study session, I listen to (among others) Coldplay, Belle and Sebastian and Snow Patrol. When I really have to focus I listen to piano music such as Fabrizio Paterlini’s, and when I should be studying but can’t really be bothered to I listen to Jason Mraz for his brilliant lyrics. I even have a French playlist for when I work on my language requirement.

I believe that the best studying music is interesting to really listen to, but also perfectly fine to have on in the background. Because of that last criterion, I can only listen to songs and bands that I know well. And that’s a problem, because I love to keep expanding my musical library. However, I was thinking about working on these playlists since I have a few (relatively) quiet weeks ahead. And this is where I need your help, dear reader. Do you have any recommendations for me? Or are you one of those people that need silence? I’m looking forward to your comments below.

Kelly Meulenberg (class of 2012) studies Arts & Humanities, focusing on Literary Studies and Theater & Media Studies. She is also a writer and filmmaker. Other passions include music, food and traveling.

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